Discover these 30 illustrated cards which will allow you to retrace the major stages of baby's first 12 months. For each card, one side is illustrated with pretty characters, and you can stick your child's photo on the other side. Ideal for keeping beautiful memories.
There are the first times that we do not forget like the first steps, the first word ... and there are all the others! Who remembers the date of his first boho, his first tooth brushing, his first stupidity ...? A stamp and a inkwell are provided with the poster "My first times" to come and stamp the dates of each new feat to be sure not to forget anything.
This 80-page illustrated book will accompany your child from his first days to his 6th birthday.
My first years - memories and small treasures is a unique birth album of its kind, with a rings binding function, for all the special moments of your child's first years that should be written, before the time does not fly with them.